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Star Trek Online is giving away 12 Bank and Inventory Slots Upgrades for FREE. It's the last day of #StarTrekOnline's Anniversary Gift Giveaway for 2019 and you can get 12 Bank and Inventory. Mar 01, 2020 Extra duty officer assignment slots are available for requisition through the Fleet Embassy shuttlebay, at the Requisition Consumables console Recruitment Facilities Tier I is required to buy the first additional slot, Tier II for the second one, and finally Tier III for the third and final additional slot. The first part to understand about the Star Trek Online engine is the ability activation queue. For some areas there might be multiple queues. The queues have two slots in them. The first slot is the ability that is currently being activated and the second slot is the next ability that will be activated. Feb 26, 2014 You will be able to purchase the “12 Inventory Slots” option up to 6 times, instead of the previous limit of 3. This allows the purchase of up to 36 additional inventory slots than previously allowed. When added to the 18 free slots, you can now extend main inventory by 54 additional slots.

44th Fleet’s Star Trek Online beginners guide, Frequently Asked Questions:

Note to 44th Fleet Members: Click here for a deeper and more advanced insight with our game mechanics guide

Before I start, are there any game-settings I need to adjust first ?
Yes, we advise you to go to Esc / Options / Controls and set Camera type toFree Camera and (at the bottom of the list) Keep Moving During Contact Dialogs toOn.

There is also an interface scale slider at the bottom under Esc / Options / Basic that allows you to reduce the UI so it won’t block your view, this is usefull if you play at higher video resolutions.

As a beginner, what should I invest in early in the game ?
The Elite Services Starter Pack for 1,000 zen – you can find it in-game under c-store/services. It is a worthwhile investment as it bundles a number of extra bank and inventory spaces, two Boff slots and three retrain tokens in one discount pack for 1,000 instead of 2,250 zen. Especially if you plan to play STO for a while it will be welcome. Btw you can earn the 1,000 zen just playing the game – though it will take a few weeks.

What should I *not* do as a beginning player ?
Don’t go overboard creating too many characters – three should be the max early on. There is A LOT to do in STO, and having to level and equip (“grind”) multiple alts will force time away from actually playing and enjoying the game. Two or three characters is just manageable enough for the average player to also earn you that extra ec/dilithium without turning STO into another working job.

Is the US $299 Lifetime subscribtion worth it ?
Depends. If you’re an avid gamer and really plan to play Star Trek Online weekly if not daily for a year or more, then yes.
Lifetime unlocks a number of Veteran Rewards which include unique ships, uniforms and other game perks, plus a monthly 500-zen stipend. It’s this stipend that makes the Lifetime sub worth it for active players.
Obviously it’s best to buy it during a Lifetime Sub sale (twice a year at irregular intervals).

But STO is Play4free, right ?
Most definitely. In fact, STO is one of the most generous MMOs out there, as unlike other games, there are no surprise barriers or ‘pay walls’ you will encounter in game that will block you from progress or prevent you from playing the latest expansion.

Basically STO is a time vs money deal – you can have the latest and greatest ‘now’ by paying real $, or spend playtime in-game to get that certain ship or item you want for free. And in case you’re wondering, the grind is fairly painless. 😉

I am just starting my first character, which career is best ?
Depends on what your preferred playstyle is. Basically a Tactical captain does damage, an Engineer captain can tank (absorb damage) and a Scientist captain does wizard stuff like drain, hold and heal. All three not only have their own strengths and weaknesses, but those can be buffed/compensated by various ground kit (armor, shield, weapons) and the ship they fly. The fun part is you can mix and match and either specialize in say an Engineer tanking in a massive cruiser, or combine a science captain healer in a fast zippy tactical heavy escort.

I am unsure which race to pick.
Pick an alien! You can visually model an alien as the standard Human, Vulcan, Andorian etc but also to non-standard Cardassians and many-many others. STO’s “space barbie” is quite flexible. Once you’re comfortable with STO you can select a specific race for an extra “alt” character as each playable race has its own unique traits.

What’s the main difference between a Federation Cruiser, escort and science ship ?
These are the main types in the game, with each having their strengths and weaknesses.

Escorts – do heavy damage with their dual heavy cannons, but weak hull and shields. Compact designs, very maneuverable. Preferred for a ‘fighter-like’ playstyle.
Cruisers – average damage through all beams but strong hulls and decent shields. Lowest turn rate. Preferred ‘tank’ class.
Science Vessels – specializes on healing, debuffing and damage through exotic powers like Gravity Well. Average hulls but strong shields. Are the ‘space wizards’ in STO.
Small Craft – Shuttles and Fighters. Weak damage, weak hull and shields, but the fastest and required for some unique missions.

There are also many additional sub-classes including Heavy Escorts, Dreadnoughts, Battlecruisers, Carriers with fighters, Reconnaissance and Intel Science Vessels.

The Klingon, Romulan and Dominion factions have comparable classes but with extra unique specialities, such as (battle) cloaks, Raider flanking damage or Singularity powers. Additional cross-faction ships have even more unique abilities.

I just started, how do I equip and outfit my ship ?

Go here for some simple starting builds you can copy – this is very basic but serve you well while leveling. They work for Federation, Klingon and Romulan comparable ships (eg Escorts – Bird of Preys – Warbirds).

I am an engineer, can I fly a science ship, carrier or tactical escort ?
Yes, most definately. The fun of STO is that it is not a rigid class-based game. An engineer does great in cruisers, but can do just as well in escorts and Science ships – it all depends on piloting skill and equipment.
Don’t believe the mantra still being heard in zone chat and elsewhere that a Tac/Eng/Sci “must” only fly an Escort/Cruiser/Science ship. That’s total nonsense. Mixing and matching careers, ships, skills and traits is part of the fun of STO’s game mechanic. For example a Science captain in an Escort is an absolutely deadly combination in PvP.

But which ship must I choose ?
Whichever you like. Leveling from Lieutenant to Captain you can, and should, try out the different types of free leveling ships – especially one outside of your comfort zone. This so you have a basic understanding of the strengths/weaknesses of escorts, cruisers, sci ships and carriers when you are level 50+, when it starts to matter more, as you’ll spend zen, dilithium or even real $ to get the really nice ships.

Help! I bought this expensive ship/item and I don’t do enough damage !
Again, STO is not Pay2Win, do not expect to buy an expensive ship/item with real $$$ and just hop in, turn the key and have a steamrolling murder-boat out of the box. This is a sure way for disappointment and serious buyer’s remorse.


Trust us; we’ve been there, done that. As in real life, knowledge is (fire) power – knowing how and especially why a certain mechanic works does more for your DPS than just slapping a specific weapon on your ship. There’s math involved, but just playing the game you’ll understand the basics pretty quickly.

But seriously, which ship is the best in the game ?
Sure there are a few, but the ‘best’ ship is still subjective (and yes I keep hammering on this). Safe to say the top of the line models are usually Fleet T6 or a specific Lobi/Lockbox or unique event/veteran ship.

But okay, twist my arm, in no particular order;

Romulans: (T6) Khopesh (Tactical Scimitar) Basically a giant squishy escort, but in the right hands a vicious machine.
Federation: (T6) Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought, – If you can get it, Get It. The Vengeance is the only good thing from the JJ-verse and in STO it is an awesome machine – cloak, hangar bay and a serious DPS potential. Comes with build-in lensflare.
Federation: (T6) Science Cruiser (Yorktown class) – a terrific cruiser with the looks to match. Can be a science build or a mean tanker, and with the right build can do enough damage to pause a raging Klingon.
Klingons: (T6) D7 Temporal Battlecruiser – Can’t beat the classics, it’ has an excellent bridge/console layout to make it a Klink’s wet dream come true.
All Factions – (T6) Vaadwaur Juggernaut – the highest parsing dreadnaught with 5 forward weapons and 6 tactical consoles. One of the top tier damage dealers.

All Factions – (T6) Tactical Command Battlecruiser: Presidio, Vastam, Ty’Gokor – tough, hard hitting, excellent AHOD trait. Hangar bay. Should be in each captains inventory.

Just remember, buying these ships are no guarantee; you will still need to outfit them with top-end gear for their max potential.

Also, as a 44th Fleet member, you will now have access to superior and unique Fleet versions of many Federation, Romulan and Klingon ships (extra console slot, increased stats etc).

How do I get (much) better in space combat ?
Star Trek Online allows the use of keybinds. One of the classic ones is the Hilbert Guide keybind, which is very handy for especially beginning players. We highly recommend that you use this; bit of a read, but once installed it will improve your gameplay ten-fold – must have !

And again, see our mechanics guide for additional tips and tricks.

How do I set my space weapons to Autofire?
Right-click the weapon icons so they show a green outline.

What is this DPS ?
DPS (Damage Per Second) is the Space and Ground metric used to measure the amount of damage you can do. Keep in mind that it’s not a fixed metric – it is highly influenced by the map and the team you are playing with (eg having a healer and/or debuffer to support you or another player “stealing” your damage). You can find the semi-official Combat Log Reader here.

The go-to map to measure space DPS in a team is the Borg STF Infected the Conduit Advanced (aka the infamous ISA: Infected, Space, Advanced). There are also a few patrols and Foundry (player generated) maps available for solo testing.

How much DPS is enough ? / How much should I do ?
Basically, at Level 50+, with decent Space kit (Very rare/Purple Mk XII) that you can pick up from mission rewards and the exchange, and some decent flying, you should be able to do a minimum of 20,000 DPS without too much trouble. At +20,000 you will be able to join Advanced level STFs, but you have to work hard to “pull your own”. +40,000 DPS is considered a ‘comfortable’ level. High number “DPS chasers” have been known to clock +200,000 DPS (!)

Which ship traits are ‘must haves’ ?
Tier 6 unique ship traits, once unlocked, will serve you extremely well in the long run. Once unlocked you can slot and combine them to make even mediocre ships hit like a hammer – even older ship can step back into the spotlight with surprising results. Keep in mind that the majority of traits are character bound, meaning you have to buy/unlock them for each of your toons seperately.
The ‘must haves’ are All Hands on Deck (AHOD, see above), Emergency Weapons Cycle, Reciprocity. Invincible isn’t too bad either.

There are always new traits coming out, so the list keeps growing.

Which Reputation(s) should I focus on first ?
Since we keep encountering Borg in the STO universe, the anti-Borg heavy Task Force OMEGA Reputation is a must – it has a number of specific anti-Borg abilities including the Omega Graviton Pulse Module (trait), which also slows down how quickly Borg can adapt to your energy weapons in Ground Combat. Usefull.

However there’s nothing stopping you doing them all at once which is surprisingly easy. Also, it’s best to complete a Reputation on your Main toon first; it can then provide a Sponsorship Token for your alts which makes it much cheaper and faster to level them.

Which ship console is a ‘must have’ ?
The Dynamic Power Redistributor Console is very, very good. If you can, get it – Federation players need to buy the Prototype Dreadnought Cruiser, KDFs can buy it on the exchange/Undiscovered Lockbox.

No longer a true ‘must have’, but the Plasmonic Leech console, especially for power-starved Romulan ships, is a good investment. Another nice one is the Sustained Radiant Field console from the Iconian Reputation.


Like ground/ship traits, there are always new consoles and set bonuses changing the ‘meta’ of the game – adapt !

Which Boff (Bridge Officer) is the best ?
Oddly, for Bridge Officers it’s not their quality (white/green/purple) that matters, but their unique racial traits.

The Cardassian Boffs bring extra stacking accuracy, defense and +2% damage boosts, and are becoming the most popular among the high DPS players.
The Romulan Tactical Boffs with the Superior Operative Trait (for Feds and KDFs obtainable from our Fleet Embassy) are the hardest hitting Tactical Officers.
The unique Hierarchy Science Boff (aka Mr Potato Head) with the Pirate trait from the mission “Alliances“, is a wicked space science officer.
The Nausicaan Boffs also come with the Pirate trait, but are KDF (aligned) only.

In general the Romulan SROs are superior, Hierarchy Science Boff and finally the Nausicaans (Pirate Trait).

Which Doffs (Duty Officers) are the best ?
The Damage Control Engineers (Emergency Power variant) are required for “Drake” ship builds. There are so many different ones it really depends on your ship, build, career and playstyle.

Which ground shields is best ?
For Ground, the Nakuhl ground shield is very good – and as a mission reward is free ! – and can be obtained from the episode The Temporal Front.

In ground combat, How do I crouch and aim ?
When on a ground map, copy paste the following in your chat bar:

/Bind x ” crouch 1 $$ aim 2 “

When you press x you will now both crouch (you’re harder to hit) and use the aim/sniper mode (making you hit harder). It’s adviced to crouch/shoot as much as possible.

Which Ground weapons are best ?
The Lobi store Herald Antiproton Beam Projector (against mobs) and Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon (single target), are tied as best. Alternatively, the crafted TR-116 sniper rifle is considered a ‘must have’ for certain enemies (Borg, Elachi).
For ground combat, a good default combination is to have a Pulsewave (shotgun) for close-range and a Splitbeam rifle for longer ranges. Note that Borg adapt faster to automatic ground weapons – more shots, higher adapt rate.

Which space set is best ?
The 4-piece Iconian Resistance Starship Technologies from the Iconian Reputation is still a good all-round set.
The 4-piece Solanae Hybrid Technologies set obtained from the mission A Step Between Stars is still considered to be the best one for science ships.
In general, we’d like to encourage you to mix and match space sets, and don’t focus too much on full set-bonus abilities as they are usually of the “nice to have”, not “must have” variety.

Which Space combination is (currently) the absolute best ?
Currently, regardless of faction, it is a combination of Fleet gear and Competitive Wargames Reputation: the Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array with Epic [Sh/HullCap] mod from our 44th Fleet Dranuur Colony, in combination with the 2 piece Prevailing Innervated Impulse Engine and Prevailing Innervated Resilient Shield Array.
For Warp/Singularity cores, there are too many options to list, but always go for the (AMP) modifier which increases damage.

Which weapon type is best ?
It ebbs and flows; right now Disruptor, Phaser and Antiproton energy weapons are considered a solid choice. Both Disruptor and Phaser benefit from newer set bonuses which add extra damage, Antiproton has its innate higher criticals. Note however that this is relative and build specific, but when in doubt, either of the three (not together!) is a good choice. Polaron (power leech) has made a comeback too with the recent Victory is Life expansion.

Which starship weapon is best ?
The Terran Task Force Disruptor Beam Array is the single most powerful weapon due to its unique mechanic.

Besides the Terran Task Force Disruptor Beam, which other Space Weapons are good ?
The Fleet Elite weapons available from our Fleet starbases (both Fed/KDF) are still good weapons with [Dmg]x3 [CrtD] for Adv wpns and [Dmg]x2 [CrtD] mods for Elite versions and are a good way to start since they are not that terribly expensive. Our Fleet Dranuur Colony unlocked weapons which have extra self-healing powers if you’re feeling squishy.

What about Space Weapon Modifiers ?
Weapon Mods are what really counts: having a weapon with the right mods usually cost a bazillion ec on the exchange – and they’re worth it. The current Meta from best to worst modifier is Pen, CrtD / Dmg, Acc, CrtH. The ideal combo for most captains/builds is an Epic Mk XIV (CrtD)x3 (Pen) weapon.

How does the Critical Damage/Chance modifiers work ?
To get the most out of your Crit Chance and Severity, as a general rule, you want to buff CrtD on weapons and CrtH with consoles.
On weapons:
[CrtH] = 2% Chance
[CrtD] = 20% Severity
On the Fleet Spire Tac Consoles:
The [CrtH] versions, the Locators give: 1.6% Chance
The [CrtD] versions, the Exploiters give 8% Severity

So, with those CrtH:CrtD ratios, if you want to get the most possible out of your ship, you buff [CrtD] on weapons and [CrtH] on consoles.

Why are Tetryon energy weapons considered ‘bad’ ?
Tetryons are shield drain weapons, however the in-game NPCs bleed shields fast regardless of the energy weapons used, so you’ll end up fairly quickly with a useless Tetryon weapon speciality. Tetryons are better suited for specialist builds and for PvP against a live opponent – skip space Tetryon weapons if you’re new to STO.

Why are kinetic Torpedoes considered ‘bad’ ?
Shields strip away 50% of a Torpedo’s damage before any modifiers/buffs. So basically a target with just 1% shields will still eat up half your Torp damage. Unlike beams, Torpedoes also have a narrower firing arc so you need time to line up for a good shot. You won’t do damage during that time and remember DPS is Damage Per Second.

But I like Torpedoes !
Then by all means, use them ! Even sub-optimal, kinetic Torpedoes still do decent (but not great) damage. You will have to buff them properly with enough consoles, traits and Duty Officers – which otherwise could be used for your energy weapons. Splitting your damage potential this way is why Torps are frowned upon by the high DPS crowd. But they sure are fun 🙂

And these energy Torpedoes ?
A recent addition to the game, unlike most torpedo launchers, the energy torpedo’s damage is enhanced by abilities and items that improve energy damage, and not those that improve traditional (kinetic) torpedo weapons. They still suffer from the shield penalty but once through, they are like a massive energy blast. This makes them ideal for pure Antiproton, phaser or disruptor energy builds.

Sto Inventory Slots Online

Why is the kinetic damage displayed appear seemingly with random values ?
Each Torpedo/Mine does an unique amount of damage, similar to energy weapons. See this table.

What is a Rainbow Build / Skittles Boat ?
These are ship which use a combination of differently (colored) weapon types, Rainbows use different beams, skittles different cannons/turrets. These builds are usually a bit frowned upon, hence the name.

A Rainbow boat is equipped with say, a blue Tetryon, green Plasma, orange Phaser and red Antiproton beam. Combining all kinds of different weapon types does not activate all their different “proc’s” often enough to be usefull, so such a combination is sub-optimal. Conversely, an 8x phaser beam build buffed by 4x Phaser Tactical consoles does tremendous damage. Always try to stick with one weapon type, regardless if you use cannons or beams.

I’m not sure what kind of damage this thing does.
Check the details, it will say “weapon does x phaser/whatever damage to the target”, that’s the weapon type you should buff with the appropriate Tactical consoles.

I don’t want to join fleet runs because I’m not good enough x(
Nonsense ! This is what your fleet is for ! Do not be afraid to ask for advice if unsure. We allow you to frack up during fleet runs – we will not shout/curse/troll you, we want you to learn and get better. We were all beginners once and gladly walk you through various mission maps – there is an enormous amount of knowledge in the fleet which we’re willing to share. And most importantly, this is a game for fun and we treat it as such.

Sto Inventory Slots

How do I make a screenshots ?
The default key is PrintScreen, or you can type in chat /screenshot or /screenshot_ui which includes your HUD.
You can find the pictures in your Cryptic StudiosStar Trek OnlineLivescreenshots folder.

How do I link items in chat ?
With Ctrl + left-mouse you can click items in your inventory, character or ship ‘card’ and link it in chat – this way others can mouse-over the item and also read their statistics and details. Usefull if you want specific information.

Ok so how do I make millions of ec in this game ?
The easiest way is basically selling stuff on the exchange, either loot drops, crafted items or basic trading (“buy low, sell high”). Playing the game you earn ec and especially dilithium ore. Refine that ore to zen and buy lockbox keys from the c-store and sell them on the exchange for ~4 million ec each – this is taking the solid route.

Another way is trading by buying/selling c-store, Lobi store or crafted items on the exchange which can earn you a small fortune – if you have the Ferengi Lobes for it.

Another good way is selling duty officers. Buy/collect cheap purple/blue ones and downgrade them to 9 white (common) ones which may sell for 14K-20K ec each on the exchange. And of course you can pick up a bunch of free ones at the Fed/KDF Academy’s, Romulan HQ or our Fleet Starbases.

What is the easiest and fastest way to earn Fleet Credits ?

Doing the 3 Colony “squiggly line” mini-games (each 825 fleet credits) – beam down to the fleet colony, contact the security officer to pick it up. After completion, donate the Battery/Ore/Luxury provisions to the (fleet colony tab) Coffer. Takes <10 mins to earn 2,475 fleet credits and has a cooldown of 1hr.

Sto Inventory Slots

I don’t have an account bank, how do I move items between alts ?
Easy: mail them to yourself. You can only attach/collect items via a mail terminal which you can find on most social maps. The mail system is also where your unsold items from the exchange will end up, and it can be used as an alternative bank/inventory by mailing items to yourself. Note that this can only be done with unbound items.

What is the Admiralty system ?
The Admiralty System unlocks at level 52 and allows you to use your collected starships in assignments to earn various resources – including more admiralty ships – which makes it similar to the Duty Officer System. The Admiralty system is considered more lucrative than doffing, but you need a lot of (good) ships. Every ship you (once) collected creates a unique ‘card’ which can be used for assignments.

You can pick-up a very good admiralty science ship card for free – the USS Sally Ride permanently orbits Narendra (Beta Quadrant) and can be contacted by all factions.

Any other questions you need answered ? Don’t hesitate and ask away in our forum !

44th Admiral (Reserve)

Note: WIP. Special thanks to Damix, Blackout , Palcioz and Paradoxical for additional input.

Star Trek Online Enterprise Discovery Voyager deep space nine combat weapons Kirk Spock phaser photon torpedo beam shuttle star wars MMO RPG boff doff pvp player bridge officer action

Let’s say you like Star Trek Online enough to want to buy a regular subscription for the game. Well, you’ll just have to show your monetary support with the new Star Trek Online Elite Starter Pack instead, a new one-time purchase that is replacing the game’s monthly sub fee entirely.

The Elite Starter Pack will grant you a new character slot, 20 shared bank slots, 5 Captain Retrain Tokens and an increase on your Energy Credit cap to 2 billion Energy Credits. Once the item is purchased, an Elite Starter Pack Reclaim item will appear that lets every character on your account get 30 inventory slots, 60 bank slots and 2 Bridge Officer slots. All of this is at the cost of 1500 Zen.

As mentioned in the lead-in to this story, this is a one-time purchase that unlocks all of the above benefits permanently to your account and does not need to be purchased on a monthly basis.

Sto Inventory Slots App

Additionally, those who are already monthly or lifetime subscribers to STO will still get all of the benefits those programs offered, including Veteran Rewards and Bonus Zen. Furthermore, this new purchase means that the Tribble test server will remove the subscriber-only restriction, though future test builds may have restrictions added at a later time.

The change to subscriptions is already in effect and is specific to PC players. More details and an FAQ can be found on the STO official website.

Our Thoughts

That’s remarkably generous of the devs, though we also have to wonder what this means for the STO cash shop from here on out. Ideally, this will mean that the MMO will remain generally open and without a significantly heavy cash shop anchor for Elite Pack buyers and free players alike.

Source: official site

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Sto Inventory Slots Online

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