Tax On Gambling Winnings Usa
Law, substantial gambling winnings, typically over $1,200, are considered taxable income and subject to a withholding tax, though not all forms of gambling are taxable. If you love playing slots, gambling, playing poker, taking a chance on the lottery, or betting on horse races, a portion of your winnings can get withheld.
- States With Low Tax Rates on Gambling Wins. Most states do tax you to some degree regarding winnings, and some states have a high gambling tax. However, the following ones don’t take much from you. The Grand Canyon State provides tribal casinos, horse tracks, and charity gaming. Arizona features a relatively low 4.54% tax rate on.
- Gamblers can take home winnings after fantasy football games, office parties, and Saturday night poker. That cash isn’t necessarily free and easy, however. Gambling winnings, just like any other income, are taxed in the United States. If you raked in gold last year for sports betting, keep reading.
- All gambling winnings are taxable income—that is, income subject to both federal and state income taxes (except for the seven states that have no income taxes). It makes no difference how you earn your winnings-whether at a casino, gambling website, church raffle, or your friendly neighborhood poker game.
- Depending on the size of your win, you may receive a Form W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings and may have federal income taxes withheld from your prize by the gambling establishment.

(a)Withholding obligation -
(1)General rule. Every person, including the Government of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision thereof, or any instrumentality of any of the foregoing making any payment of “winnings subject to withholding” (defined in paragraph (b) of the section) must deduct and withhold a tax in an amount equal to the product of the third lowest rate of tax applicable under section 1(c) and the payment. The tax must be deducted and withheld upon payment of the winnings by the person making the payment (“payer”). See paragraph (c)(5)(ii) of this section for a special rule relating to the time for making deposits of withheld amounts and filing the return with respect to those amounts. Any person receiving a payment of winnings subject to withholding must furnish the payer a statement as required in paragraph (d) of this section. Payers of winnings subject to withholding must file a return with the Internal Revenue Service and furnish a statement to the payee as required in paragraph (e) of this section. With respect to reporting requirements for certain payments of gambling winnings not subject to withholding, see section 6041 and the regulations thereunder.
(2)Exceptions. The tax imposed under section 3402(q)(1) and this section shall not apply (i) with respect to a payment of winnings which is made to a nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation under the circumstances described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section or (ii) with respect to a payment of winnings from a slot machine play, or a keno or bingo game.
(b)Winnings subject to withholding -
(1)In general. Winnings subject to withholding means any payment from -
(i) A wager placed in a State-conducted lottery (defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section) but only if the proceeds from the wager exceed $5,000;
(ii) A wager placed in a sweepstakes, wagering pool, or lottery other than a State-conducted lottery but only if the proceeds from the wager exceed $5,000; or
(iii) Any other wagering transaction (as defined in paragraph (c)(3) of this section) but only if the proceeds from the wager:
Tax On Gambling Winnings Usa Online
(A) Exceed $5,000; and
(B) Are at least 300 times as large as the amount of the wager.
(2)Total proceeds subject to withholding. If proceeds from the wager qualify as winnings subject to withholding, then the total proceeds from the wager, and not merely amounts in excess of $5,000, are subject to withholding.
(c)Definitions; special rules -
(1)Rules for determining amount of proceeds from a wager -
(i)In general. The amount of proceeds from a wager is the amount paid with respect to the wager, less the amount of the wager.
(ii)Amount of the wager in the case of horse races, dog races, and jai alai. In the case of a wagering transaction with respect to horse races, dog races, or jai alai, all wagers placed in a single parimutuel pool and represented on a single ticket are aggregated and treated as a single wager for purposes of determining the amount of the wager. A ticket in the case of horse races, dog races, or jai alai is a written or electronic record that the payee must present to collect proceeds from a wager or wagers.
(iii)Amount paid with respect to a wager -
(A)Identical wagers. Amounts paid with respect to identical wagers are treated as paid with respect to a single wager for purposes of calculating the amount of proceeds from a wager. Two or more wagers are identical wagers if winning depends on the occurrence (or non-occurrence) of the same event or events; the wagers are placed with the same payer; and, in the case of horse races, dog races, or jai alai, the wagers are placed in the same parimutuel pool. Wagers may be identical wagers even if the amounts wagered differ as long as the wagers are otherwise treated as identical wagers under this paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(A). Tickets purchased in a lottery generally are not identical wagers, because the designation of each ticket as a winner generally would not be based on the occurrence of the same event, for example, the drawing of a particular number.
(B)Non-monetary proceeds. In determining the amount paid with respect to a wager, proceeds which are not money are taken into account at the fair market value.
(C)Periodic payments. Periodic payments, including installment payments or payments which are to be made periodically for the life of a person, are aggregated for purposes of determining the amount paid with respect to the wager. The aggregate amount of periodic payments to be made for a person's life is based on that person's life expectancy. See §§ 1.72-5 and 1.72-9 of this chapter for rules used in computing the expected return on annuities. For purposes of determining the amount subject to withholding, the first periodic payment must be reduced by the amount of the wager.
(2)Wager placed in a State-conducted lottery. The term “wager placed in a State-conducted lottery” means a wager placed in a lottery conducted by an agency of a State acting under authority of State law provided that the wager is placed with the State agency conducting such lottery or with its authorized employees or agents. This term includes wagers placed in State-conducted lotteries in which the amount of winnings is determined by a parimutuel system.
(3)Other wagering transaction. The term “other wagering transaction” means any wagering transaction other than one in a lottery, sweepstakes, or wagering pool. This term includes a wagering transaction in a parimutuel pool with respect to horse races, dog races, or jai alai.
(4)Certain payments to nonresident aliens or foreign corporations. A payment of winnings that is subject to withholding tax under section 1441(a) (relating to withholding on nonresident aliens) or 1442(a) (relating to withholding on foreign corporations) is not subject to the tax imposed by section 3402(q) and this section when the payee is a foreign person, as determined under the rules of section 1441(a) and the regulations thereunder. A payment is treated as being subject to withholding tax under section 1441(a) or 1442(a) notwithstanding that the rate of such tax is reduced (even to zero) as may be provided by an applicable treaty with another country. However, a reduced or zero rate of withholding of tax must not be applied by the payer in lieu of the rate imposed by sections 1441 and 1442 unless the person receiving the winnings has provided to the payer the documentation required by § 1.1441-6 of this chapter to establish entitlement to treaty benefits.
(5)Gambling winnings treated as payments by employer to employee.
(i) Except as provided in subdivision (ii), for purposes of sections 3403 and 3404 and the regulations thereunder and for purposes of so much of subtitle F (except section 7205) and the regulations thereunder as relate to chapter 24, payments to any person of winnings subject to withholding under this section shall be treated as if they are wages paid by an employer to an employee.
(ii) Solely for purposes of applying the deposit rules under 6302(c) and the return requirement of section 6011, the withholding from winnings shall be deemed to have been made no earlier than at the time the winner's identity is known to the payer. Thus, for example, winnings from a State-conducted lottery are subject to withholding when actually or constructively paid, whichever is earlier; however, the time for depositing the withheld taxes and filing a return with respect thereto shall be determined by reference to the date on which the winner's identity is known to the State, if such date is later than the date on which the winnings are actively or constructively paid. If a payer's obligation to pay winnings terminates other than by payment, all liabilities and requirements resulting from the requirement that the payer deduct and withhold with respect to such winnings shall also terminate.
(d)Statement furnished by payee -
(1)In general. Each person who is making a payment subject to withholding under this section must obtain from the payee a statement described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(2)Contents of statement. Each person who is to receive a payment of winnings subject to withholding under this section must furnish the payer a statement on Form W-2G or 5754 (whichever is applicable) made under the penalties of perjury containing -
(i) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the winner accompanied by a declaration that no other person is entitled to any portion of such payment, or
(ii) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the payee and of every person entitled to any portion of the payment.
(3)Multiple payments. If more than one payment of winnings subject to withholding is to be made with respect to a single wager, for example in the case of an annuity, the payee is required to furnish the payer a statement with respect to the first payment only, provided that the other payments are taken into account in a return required by paragraph (e) of this section.
(4)Reliance on statement for identical wagers. If the payee furnishes the statement which may be required pursuant to § 1.6011-3 of this chapter (regarding the requirement of a statement from payees of certain gambling winnings), indicating that the payee (and any other persons entitled to a portion of the winnings) is entitled to winnings from identical wagers, as defined in paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(A) of this section, and indicating the amount of the winnings, if any, then the payer may rely upon the statement in determining the total amount of proceeds from the wager under paragraph (c)(1) of this section.
(e)Return of payer -
(1)In general. Every person making payment of winnings for which a statement is required under paragraph (d) of this section must file a return on Form W-2G at the Internal Revenue Service location designated in the instructions to the form on or before February 28 (March 31 if filed electronically) of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the payment of winnings is made. The return required by this paragraph (e) need not include the statement by the payee required by paragraph (d) of this section and, therefore, need not be signed by the payee, provided the statement is retained by the payer as long as its contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. In addition, the return required by this paragraph (e) need not contain the information required by paragraph (e)(1)(v) of this section provided the information is obtained with respect to the payee and retained by the payer as long as its contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. For payments to more than one winner, a separate Form W-2G, which in no event need be signed by the winner, must be filed with respect to each such winner. Each Form W-2G must contain the following:

(i) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the payer;
(ii) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the winner;
(iii) The date, amount of the payment, and amount withheld;
(iv) The type of wagering transaction;
(v) Except with respect to winnings from a wager placed in a State-conducted lottery, a general description of the two types of identification (as described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section), one of which must have the payee's photograph on it (except in the case of tribal member identification cards in certain circumstances as described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section), that the payer relied on to verify the payee's name, address, and taxpayer identification number;
(vi) The amount of winnings from identical wagers; and
(vii) Any other information required by the form, instructions, or other applicable guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin.
(2)Identification. The following items are treated as identification for purposes of paragraph (e)(1)(v) of this section -
(i) Government-issued identification (for example, a driver's license, passport, social security card, military identification card, tribal member identification card issued by a federally-recognized Indian tribe, or voter registration card) in the name of the payee; and
(ii) A Form W-9, “Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification,” signed by the payee that includes the payee's name, address, taxpayer identification number, and other information required by the form. A Form W-9 is not acceptable for this purpose if the payee has modified the form (other than pursuant to instructions to the form) or if the payee has deleted the jurat or other similar provisions by which the payee certifies or affirms the correctness of the statements contained on the form.
(3)Special rule for tribal member identification cards. A tribal member identification card need not contain the payee's photograph to meet the identification requirement described in paragraph (e)(1)(v) of this section if -
(i) The payee is a member of a federally-recognized Indian tribe;
(ii) The payee presents the payer with a tribal member identification card issued by a federally-recognized Indian tribe stating that the payee is a member of such tribe; and
(iii) The payer is a gaming establishment (as described in § 1.6041-10(b)(2)(iv) of this chapter) owned or licensed (in accordance with 25 U.S.C. 2710) by the tribal government that issued the tribal member identification card referred to in paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section.
(4)Transmittal form.Persons making payments of winnings subject to withholding must use Form 1096 to transmit Forms W-2G to the Internal Revenue Service.
(5)Furnishing a statement to the payee. Every payer required to make a return under paragraph (e)(1) of this section must also make and furnish to each payee, with respect to each payment of winnings subject to withholding, a written statement that contains the information that is required to be included on the return under paragraph (e)(1) of this section. The payer must furnish the statement to the payee on or before January 31st of the year following the calendar year in which payment of the winnings subject to withholding is made. The statement will be considered furnished to the payee if it is provided to the payee at the time of payment or if it is mailed to the payee on or before January 31st of the year following the calendar year in which payment was made.
(f)Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:

(ii) B cashes the tickets at different cashier windows. Pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section and § 1.6011-3, B completes a Form W-2G indicating that the amount of winnings is from identical wagers and provides the form to each cashier. The payments by each cashier of $1,500 and $4,000 are less than the $5,000 threshold for withholding, but under paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(A) of this section, identical wagers are treated as paid with respect to a single wager for purposes of determining the proceeds from a wager. The payment is not subject to withholding or reporting because although the proceeds from the wager are $5,445 ($1,500 + $4,000 − $55), the proceeds from the wager are not at least 300 times as great as the amount wagered ($55 × 300 = $16,500).
(g)Applicability date. The rules in this section apply to payments made with respect to a winning event that occurs after November 13, 2017. For rules that apply to payments made with respect to a winning event on or before that date, see § 31.3402(q)-1 as contained in 26 CFR part 31, revised April 1, 2017.
With so much to see and do, it’s no surprise that theUnited States is one of the world’s top tourist destinations, attracting roughly 70 million people annually. For many visitors, nothing beats the sights and sounds of a casino—and the chance of winning big. Not all winners are created equal, though; depending on what country you live in, your winnings could be subject to a 30% withholding tax.
Under U.S. law, substantial gambling winnings, typically over $1,200, are considered taxable income and subject to a withholding tax, though not all forms of gambling are taxable. If you love playing slots, gambling, playing poker, taking a chance on the lottery, or betting on horse races, a portion of your winnings can get withheld. But no matter where you live, gambling income is not taxed if you like to play blackjack, baccarat, craps, roulette, or Big Six wheel.
As a result of individual tax treaties, the gambling income won by those living in certain countries is not taxable by the U.S. Some of the countries that have signed gaming treaty tax exemptions include Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean the gambling winnings of residents of these countries are free and clear; when you get home, your government will tax you on those winnings.
List of Countries Subject to 30% Withholding Tax
The tax exemption list might seem big, but there are a lot more countries not on that list; essentially, every other country in the world.
If you’re from Malta, your gambling winnings are taxed at 10%. All other countries, including Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Mexico, Malaysia, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates, are subject to a 30% withholding tax.
Of the top 10 international markets that visit the U.S., half are subject to a 30% withholding tax. Canada and Mexico come in at first and second place, respectively, while Brazil (5th), China (7th), South Korea (9th), and Australia (10th) round out the list.
When it comes to visitor spending, six of the top 10 countries have 30% of their winnings taxed, including Canada (1st), Mexico (4th), Brazil (5th), China (6th), Australia (8th), and India (10th).
Not so coincidentally, tourists from these countries love visiting the gambling capitals of America. Las Vegas is the undisputed champion of gambling in the U.S., Los Angeles is the most popular gambling destination on the West Coast, and Atlantic City remains popular on the East Coast. That said, it’s legal to gamble in some form in most U.S. states; that means Canadians and other non-U.S. residents can take a chance on slot machines, poker, or horse racing from coast-to-coast.
RMS: The #1 Choice Internationally for Gaming and Casino Tax Refunds
Tax On Gambling Winnings Usa Today
Refund Management Services (RMS) has successfully completed the most U.S. gambling tax refunds for Canadians and other non-U.S. residents since 1998. In fact, Refund Management Services has NEVER BEEN REFUSED AN ELIGIBLE REFUND.
If you won a substantial amount while gambling in the U.S. and had 30% of your winnings withheld by the IRS, Refund Management Services can help. That’s because the U.S. casino tax recovery professionals at RMS have CA designation and are certified agents of the IRS for filing W-7 applications.
In order to claim the 30% U.S. casino tax withheld by the IRS, you need to meet several requirements:
- You must be a non-U.S. citizen at the time of your winnings and have proof that you are not a resident of the U.S.
- Your winnings (or a portion thereof) were withheld by a gaming facility in the U.S.
- You make your claim within three years of winning.
If you’ve won money in the U.S. while gambling and have had a portion of your winnings withheld by the IRS, contact Refund Management Services toll-free from the United States or Canada at 1-888-272-5559.
In just five minutes, we’ll explain how RMS can help you get a portion or all of your gaming tax refund back. In some cases, we can get your withheld winnings returned in as little as six to nine weeks.
U.S. Department of Commerce, “Fast Facts: United States Travel and Tourism Industry, 2013,” May 2014;
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U.S. Department of Commerce, “Top 10 International Markets: 2013 Visitation and Spending;”, last accessed November 27, 2014.